Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amberly Airbase

Our task is to write a paragraph which will include Amberly Airbase and the word "bitch" used as a verb.

Amber stood hesitating, reluctant, before the screen door. Beyond she could see the blackened fields, scorched and smoking. Harsh eddies of soot whirled across the dead earth. She stood, quietly relishing the last cool blast of air on the base of her neck. Two years ago they had moved on to the farm, Mr and Mrs Nicholas Leigh, full of hopes and dreams. Two days ago the fire had swept all their work away. In the distance she watched Nick gouging out a trench in the hill. Cowed in the corner of the paddock, blackened sheep shivered and bleated. Her hand grasped the .22 tightly as she filled pockets with cartridges.
"A bitch day" muttered Amber Leigh as she kicked open the door and strode into the morning's work.

1 comment:

  1. Well done - and good imagination. Reminded me of when my sister was in Adelaide as an animal husbandry officer with the DPI - and some well meaning animal welfare supporters went out after the fires and shot the ... black sheep thinking they'd been burned. It was DPI's job to get to the properties with black sheep faster than the euthanasing committee. I'm off to work on my task ...
